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Daniel Fast Intro

Welcome to the 21 Day Daniel Fast.
I completed my second Daniel fast on the 1st of January 2022 and what I’ve gotten from it, I want everyone around me to experience it and more. I have shared this fast with so many people around me including friends, family, clients, and strangers. I’ve gotten so many testimonies and by God’s grace I expect even more to take place. You can read some testimonies here.

The Fast forces you to remove all forms of distraction so you can hear from God directly and more clearly. You have more time to listen, comprehend and do what he requires from you. The Daniel Fast is based on ‘Daniel 1’ and ‘Daniel 10’, you can read more on it to get a better understanding and see the amazing experiences the Hebrew boys and Daniel had.

A lot of us have a lot of mental, financial, physical, and social challenges that we might not share. We also have a lot of hidden habits that we can’t overcome. Maybe you know someone that is going through a lot or is self-destructive and would never do the fast themselves, I’m telling you this fast would change all of that. It’s either your prayers would be answered or you would know what to do to fix the problems, or you would be content and have joy and peace even in the midst of your problems that you have never experienced before. For those that have health challenges, this fast also helps to fix some of the problems that you are facing including weight loss, high blood pressure, unexplainable health issues and so much more because we would be following a vegan diet. Only things from the ground that God has made would be consumed.

I have come to the realization that this world is like a device, when you go to the store to buy almost any item, they always come with instructions on how to use the item. The instruction manual for this world is the Bible and everything we need to understand about the world, go through life, be financially stable and healthy are all in there. This fast guideline breaks it into smaller bits for you to start these 3 weeks and if you find it mind blowing, please continue. This fast should be a lifestyle. These are the things I hope you would understand:

God wants us to know Him and understand Him – Jeremiah 9: 24
Obedience is more important to God than sacrifice – Isaiah 1: 10 -22 | Deut 26:16-19 | Zechariah 3:6-7
God does not need you to be poor and be completely independent – Deuteronomy 15:4 | 1 Thes 4:11-12
God wants us to be healthy – Exodus 15: 26 | Deuteronomy 7: 11-15
God wants us to speak with Him and he is ready to answer – Jeremiah 33:3 | Isaiah 1: 18
God wants you to be free – 2 Timothy 2:26 | John 8:36
God wants to answer prayers and speak with us but we have things in our lives that are blocking this from happening. (Isaiah 59: 1-15)

Have you been praying over and over again and things are not working? Does it feel like God is not hearing? Where is this joy, peace, and happiness you’ve heard so many times from the Bible that comes with the Holy Spirit, how come you are not experiencing it? Why are you still borrowing and struggling to make ends meet? Why does sickness always trouble you and your friends and family members?
WELCOME TO THE DANIEL FAST – This fast would change your life.

Lastly, when you see what God has done for you through this fast, please share with others. There are so many people that need a change and breakthrough in their lives and have no idea where to start from, so please share this guideline with them and share your testimony. (Matthew 28: 19-20)


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